
Upstairs, downstairs | Books | The Guardian

The Woolfs were modest payers: by the late 20s Nellie was earning about £50 a year when the average wage for a cook was £56 (though wages might drop as low as £30). They were generous, however, with the new luxuries. Nellie borrowed the gramophone in Tavistock Square and practised the foxtrot; she had a wireless in her bedroom and another at Monk's House in Rodmell (the Woolfs' Sussex country house), where Virginia would sometimes go to "listen in". The Woolfs bought their first car in 1927, a second-hand Singer for £275, which cost about £100 a year to run; they often took Nellie into Lewes for shopping and errands. Yet there would be plenty of long winter evenings in the Sussex countryside while the Woolfs read and talked or entertained downstairs, and Nellie sat upstairs or a few feet away in the kitchen on her own.


Mrs Woolf and the Servants: The Hidden Heart of Domestic Service

Mrs Woolf and the Servants: The Hidden Heart of Domestic Service